The Sign is the Bread of Life

Sunday Gospel Reflection
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
John 6:24-35

The Sign is the Bread of Life
by Carlo S. Dureza

One of the fun times in basic writing and grammar subjects I had as a young lad in grade school was when I learned about the figures of speech. This topic in the languages truly enhanced my communication skills as well as ignited my imagination.

The simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, irony, and paradox figures of speech have sharpened my speaking capacity and comprehension skills at an early age.

It was through these ways of verbal and written expressions that I have begun to understand Christ as the “Living Bread” and the “Real Food”. These seem like metaphors, mere figures of speech of himself as food. However, what Jesus meant was more than just a figure of speech. He was giving a sign. He himself IS the Bread of Life and the Real Food. He is the Bread who truly fulfills our cravings, the eternal sign that leads us to God.

Clearly, the Son of God was spoken of in many ways which conveyed Him as the Savior of humankind. However, these descriptions of Him as the “Living Bread” seemed difficult to accept. In the Gospel, Jesus taught His followers not to seek food that perishes, but eternal food. He added that this food could be given only by the Father in Heaven and that food is Jesus himself, the Bread of Life, the One who lasts and truly satisfies forever.

But the people refused to believe Him and continued to ask for a sign that they may accept Christ as the Savior sent by the Father. They alluded to the manna which rained in the desert during the time of Moses. Their minds were conditioned to be satisfied with short-lived signs. They did not understand that Jesus is the sign.

More than just a figure of speech, Jesus is the Savior whom we should look for, believe in, and follow—the Bread of Life. May we eat this Bread, get nourished by it, and live a full life.

Happy Sunday and God bless!!
Photo by Jacob Bentzinger on Unsplash

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