I am First

Reflection on the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 28, 2020

I am first
Rea Bunuan
Ministry of Lectors and Commentators

In this Sunday’s gospel (Matthew 10:37-42), it would seem that Jesus is trying to discourage us from following him. He says things like, “Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me.” (Mt 10:37) He goes on to say that “whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” (Mt 10:37) Who does not strive to follow one’s father or mother? Who does not think about one’s brothers and sisters with fondness? Are not these things natural for us?

Jesus’ words may seem absurd but he is driving a very important point here. He is not saying that we need to hate family members in order to be his follower. His point in all these is that a relationship with him will be demanding. He says that to be his follower, everything in life including family, friends, and even our priorities, will have to come second to him. Indeed, it is going to be difficult to follow Jesus. But then, he also says that it is going to be worth it.

With our many concerns prior to and during this pandemic, it is so easy for us to devote all our time and energy to address these that we find ourselves too tired to give God our wholehearted attention. Just recently, my twelve-year old son asked me if I still find time to pray. He wondered how I could “sneak in” some prayer time when I had household chores, office work to be done at home and worksheets we had to accomplish together. Indeed, our various priorities can be so overwhelming that they fill up our day and then we suddenly realize that we have forgotten to set aside time for God. Interestingly, when we finally have some free time, we easily rush to use it for activities like watching television or movies, sports or other forms of entertainment. God, again, becomes the least of our priorities.

The type of commitment that Jesus is asking from us is a focused set of priorities. God knows what He is doing when He tells us that this is the order of priorities in your life: I am first, everything else is second. This message is not really something new to us. In Deuteronomy 6:5, we read “…you shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, and with your whole being, and with your whole strength.” It is the first commandment. It is the greatest commandment.

This committed relationship with Him is actually in our best interest. If God calls us to this type of commitment, it is because He knows that this path will lead to eternal happiness. If we are truly living for God to give Him glory and to build up His Church, then He will take care of us. He will take care of the second, third, fourth, fifth and all of our priorities in life. He will help us to live this commitment.

St. Paul understood this call to prioritize God and how demanding this relationship with God would be. That is why in today’s Second Reading (Romans 6:3-4, 8-11), St. Paul says that to share in Christ’s life, we must also participate in Christ’s death. We have to die to ourselves. We have to put to death any self-centered desires so that we may rise with Christ as well. This gives our life true meaning, true satisfaction, true fulfillment.

Put God first. Indeed, it is difficult to follow Him but nothing else comes close to the joy that comes from following Jesus. That joy gives us a glimpse of heaven. To have that taste of the glory of heaven is better than anything that this earth can provide, better than anything that we can choose as our priority.

And so, let us put God first. Let us follow Him. It will be difficult. But it is worth it!

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